Time Limit Pack


Time: Aug 9th, 00:00:00 to Aug 12th 23:59:59 (PDT)


Limited Time Offer is coming to Store! You can spend 50 Crystals to gain a powerful card, higher than 3-Star. We put one new 5-Star cards Dark Ranger into the pack and increased their odds. Once the event is over, this pack will be taken off.

Bonus details below:
Limit Pack – a chance to get  Vulture Soul Fragment.
Card Fragments will be sent directly into your DECK-COMPOSE SCAPE.




Limited package 5 star cards have been updated from Jun 6th.

Phoenix, Seraph , Leviathan , Artemis , Toxic Harrier , Dream Guardian , Red Fox , Battle Terminator , Kraken , Shadow of Rainbow , Iron Soldier , Hell Warrior , Sword Goddess , Deviant Moon are on the list.

2 thoughts to “Time Limit Pack”

  1. chance of 0,01%. i spend 1800- 2500 crystal for nothing in all limited pack events.

  2. are the odds that bad? iget 9 out of 10 that are 3 star cards nobody wants anyway, even though it says higher than a 3 star. no wonder ppl dont want to buy crystals.you usually have to spend 3000+ to get the card, if i dont have at least that i wont try.

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