Packs Event

For other cards’ video, please tap here.

Attention: Please remember to contact GM via Facebook Messager or Email: for applying Golden, Platinum and LOA EXP to exchange into event cards’ scraps. Or those EXP will be removed after 2022.04.30 in-game time.

Event Time: 2022.04.05 00:00:00 to 2022.04.11 23:59:59 [In-game time]

0405 Pack:

During the event, every 115 times 0405 Pack purchase, you have a chance to get 1 card from Sword Knight, Denpa Kyoushi, Dark Ranger or Ghost Ranger. Each account can join 8 times in this part. It’s possible to get the same card in many times.

Magic Ticket:

During the event, every 120 times Magic Ticket purchase, you have a chance to get 1 card from Hellfire Master Chief, Instructor, Aurora Master or Hope Shell. Each account can join 8 times in this part. It’s possible to get the same card in many times.


The rule of ‘Guaranteed Setting’ of event cards and examples are at the bottom of the post.

Enchanting Event:

  • Enchant any 5 star cards to level 10, you will have Crystal*5. [200 times]
  • Enchant any 5 star card to level 15, you will have Magic Ticket*5 [200 times]
  • Enchant any 4 star card to level 10, you will have Magic Ticket*1 [200 times]

Purchasing Event:

During the event, when the purchase Crystal reach a standard, you will get rewards as following:

320 Crystal, Extra: Crystal*320, Spring Emissary’s 4th skill: Martial Arts

560 Crystal, Extra: Crystal*560, Sword Knight’s 4th skill: Nirvana, Ghost Ranger’s 4th skill: Grave Keeper

1500 Crystal, Extra: Crystal*1500, Red Phoenix 4th skill: Live or Die, Aurora Master’s 4th skill: Summon mystical army

3800 Crystal, Extra: Crystal*3800, Instructor’s 4th skill: Indomitable 8, Hellfire Master Chief’s 4th skill: Gradually Frozen

7800 Crystal, Extra: Crystal*7800, Fortune QingYao’s 4th skill: Soul Anchors, Uranus’s 4th skill: Counter Attack, Orochi’s 4th skill: Possessed by Abber.

17800 Crystal, Extra: Crystal*17800,


  • Each rank of rewards can claim 1 time only.
  • Purchasing event last for 7 days.

Consuming Event:

During the event, if the total amount of Crystal you used, you will get the following rewards:

1000   Crystals: Sin Punisher*1
3000   Crystals: Spring Emissary*1, Magic Ticket*10
8000   Crystals: Saber*1, Magic Ticket*15

20000   Crystals: Red Phoenix*1, Magic Ticket*25


  • Each rank of rewards can claim 1 time only.
  • Consuming event last for 7 days.

4th skill Description:

  • Nirvana: When the card dies, there is a 100% chance it is returned to your hand. If your hand is full, it will be returned to the deck.
  • Indomitable 8: When the card dies, there is a 75% chance it is returned to your battlefield. Resists the abilities Destroy, Exile, and Teleportation.
  • Gradually Frozen: Upon entering the battlefield, put the card with the longest waiting time in the deck into battlefield.(Cannot put the card in the waiting zone onto battlefield.) Upon entering the battlefield, randomly choose to mark 4 enemy cards for 3 rounds. Take no effect to Demons and Lilith Bosses. Those marked cards have 70% to enable [Desperation] Skills. If a marked card is marked again, it will be transferred to the battlefield. Ignore [Zombies] and [Perseverance].
  • Grave Keeper: The card in the cemetery take no effect with Revival, Reincarnation, Reanimation, Spirit Control, Holy Flame. The card returns back on the battlefield after 2 rounds.
  • Martial Arts: After a physical attack, there is another 100% damage as the 2nd attack. The 2nd attack is to a random target on enemy battlefield.
  • Summon mystical army: Randomly summon one weapon from demon depot, increase the attack by 700~2000 on each attack.
  • Live or Die: Resists the abilities Destroy, Exile, and Teleportation. Grants immunity to Trap, Seal, and Confusion. Also cannot be frozen or stunned. Upon entering the battlefield, Take 1 card from the deck to the waiting zone. (Uneffective when waiting is full.)Upon entering the battlefield, take 1 card in the waiting zone with the longest CD directly to the field. Upon entering the battlefield, cost herself 9999 HP. Take effect to Demonist cards.

Current ongoing events:

  1. Materials Collection [From 2022.04.01 to 04.10]
  2. Mazes Collection [The Scraps collection from 2022.03.22 to 03.29]
  3. Card Collection [The Scraps collection from 2022.03.08 to 03.14]

Guaranteed Setting & Example:

A ‘Guaranteed Setting’ of event cards from Packs and Magic Tickets is online. You can apply with any 2 event cards from 0405 Pack or Magic Tickets to exchange the card that you want to have. However, you cannot use those event cards from Magic Tickets to apply to exchange the card in the 0405 Pack, and vice versa. The applying cards will be taken, and exchanged card will be sent to your account.

  1. Magic Ticket event cards: A and B to exchange C
  2. In-game tag: xxxxxxxx


  1. 0125 Pack event cards: X and Y to exchange Z
  2. In-game tag: xxxxxxxx

Announcement for 4th skill exchange:

We plan to offer a period of 6 months for 4th skills apply from current game event. After that, we will treat the requirements as expired. The regulation starts from today, including all events in Lies of Astaroth on XBOX platform.

For anything about the game, please contact us on the Facebook:


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