April Special Event: Shadow Whisper!!!

Time:Apr 3rd, 00:00:00 to Apr 9th, 23:59:59 (Server Time)

■ Event 1: Login to get rewards

During the event period, you can get rewards by consecutively login. The rewards are as below:

1 Day:Gold*50,000 ;

2 Days:3 -Star card Pride Punisher;

3 Days: Magic Ticket * 3

4 Days: 3-Star card Pride Punisher;

5 Days: Magic Ticket * 5; Gold*100,000

6 Days: Crystals*500

7 Days: Magic Ticket * 7, Gold*200,000;


■ Event 2: Card Collection – Shadow Whisper


During the event period, you’ll get a rare 5-Star card Shadow Whisper by collecting the following 6 cards:

Envy Punisher: can be obtained from Thief and Time Limit Pack.
Wrath Punisher: can be obtained from Thief and Time Limit Pack.
Pride Punisher: can be obtained from Starter Pack and Login Reward.
Sloth Punisher: can be obtained from Magic Ticket and Consuming Crystals Reward.
Greed Punisher: can be obtained from Crystal Pack.
Gluttony Punisher: can be obtained from Crystal Pack.

Even if you haven’t collected all of the above 6 cards, you can get rewards for collecting some of them:

Wrath Punisher+ Pride Punisher+ Greed Punisher= Gorgeous Rider

■ Note:

1. Crystal Pack Bonus— a chance to get Mage of Sacred Flame.

2. The rewards can be claimed THREE times.

3. You can claim the rewards through Mission>Card Collection.

4. The cards that were obtained before the event will not be counted.


■ Event 3: Time Limit Pack Update

Limited package 5 star cards have been updated from Apr 3rd.

Smug , Nightmare Hunter·Wind, Ladon , Stars Ruler ,Eagle Knight, Gorgons, Eos, Diviner, Meteor Mage , DreamGoddess , Snow Giant, Satyr Vanguard, Hell Rider, Bleeding terrorist, Devil Mermaid are on the list.

■ Event 4: Legacy of Thief

Time:Apr 3rd, 00:00:00 to Apr 9th, 23:59:59 (Server Time)


During the event period, you’ll get the corresponding rewards for killing certain number of Mystery Thieves (level 30+):

–Kill Mystery Thief x 10 for 3-Star card Envy Punisher.

— Kill Mystery Thief x 30 for 3-Star card Wrath Punisher.

— Kill Mystery Thief x 60 for 5-Star card Kamikaze Kengoo

— Kill Mystery Thief x90 for 5-Star card Terrifying cactus, Crystal*500


1. The rewards can be claimed only ONCE.

2. During the event period, energy will sell at half price.

■ Event 5: Great Rewards of Consuming Crystals
Time:Apr 3rd, 00:00:00 to Apr 9th, 23:59:59 (Server Time)

During the event time, if you consumed 1000~8000Crystals reached the condition, you will be rewarded with the prizes as following:
1000 Crystals:Sloth Punisher*1, Magic Ticket*5
3000 Crystals:Hell Warrior *1, Magic Ticket*10
5000 Crystals: Elf King *1, Magic Ticket*15

8000 Crystals:Dark Ranger *1, Magic Ticket*25


1. Crystals may be spent on anything in the game.

2. Each reward can be claimed only ONCE.

One thought to “April Special Event: Shadow Whisper!!!”

  1. I spent too much crystal on of 150 per turn to get greed/guttony its left me from 4500 to 2000 crystal,so i did 50 per turn and no crystal and no wrath/envy so im going miss again, thats why stop playing over a yr ago

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