Card Collection:

Attention: All Golden EXP, Platinum EXP and LOA EXP will be removed from the game after 2022.03.14 23:59:59 in-game time. Please arrange to use them or apply for scrap exchanging as soon as possible.

Event Time: 2022.03.08 00:00:00 to 2022.03.14 23:59:59 [In-game time]

Scraps Collection:

During the event, Zoya Yevnia and Fallen Glory scraps as part of rewards are set in 0308 Pack and Magic Tickets with a drop rate respectively. When you collect 300 scraps, please contact GM via Facebook messager or Email:


  • This part of scraps collection and 4th skill exchanging last to 2022.04.11 23:59:59 in-game time.
  • As long as the total Crystal purchase reached the standard the event post announced before 2022.04.11, the target card you got from current event, you can apply the 4th skill exchanging.

Purchasing Event:

During the event, when the purchase Crystal reach a standard, you will get rewards as following:

299 Crystal, Double Sharp Slayer*1, with 4th skill: Summon mystical army, Magic Ticket*10

1999 Crystal, Celestian Superior *1, with 4th skill: Quick Strike: Summon Phantom, Fallen Glory’s 4th skill: Fast as Wind, Magic Ticket*10

3799 Crystal, Night Cherry*1, with 4th skill: Water armor 10, Hellfire Master Chief’s 4th skill: Gradually Frozen, Zoya Yevnia’s 4th skill: Unfeusch Field, Magic Ticket*10

7799 Crystal, Monkey Ancestor*1, with 4th skill: Magical Water Gun, Magic Ticket*10

17999 Crystal, Demon Pill·Gabu*1, with 4th skill: Demon Breath. Magic Ticket*10


  • Each rank of rewards can claim 1 time only.

Consuming Event:

During the event, if the total amount of Crystal you used, you will get the following rewards:

1000   Crystals: Beast Master*1
3000   Crystals: Spring Emissary*1, Magic Ticket*10
8000   Crystals: Doomsday Apostle*1, Magic Ticket*15

20000   Crystals: Hellfire Master Chief*1, Magic Ticket*25


  • Each rank of rewards can claim 1 time only.

4th Skill Description:

  • Demon Breath: Resists the abilities Destroy, Exile, and Teleportation. Grants immunity to Trap, Seal, and Confusion. Also, cannot be frozen or stunned. Upon entering the battlefield, put the card with the longest waiting time in the deck into battlefield. Cards with the skill ignore [Rebelliousness] kind of skills when it’s moving.
  • Gradually Frozen: Upon entering the battlefield, put the card with the longest waiting time in the deck into battlefield. (Cannot put the card in the waiting zone onto battlefield.) Upon entering the battlefield, randomly choose to mark 4 enemy cards for 3 rounds. Take no effect to Demons and Lilith Bosses. Those marked cards have 70% to enable [Desperation] Skills. If a marked card is marked again, it will be transferred to the battlefield. Ignore [Zombies] and [Perseverance].
  • Water armor 10: Limits each attack to a maximum of 150 physical damage, extra damage will heal our hero, no more than 500 HP.
  • Magical Water Gun: Randomly leave curse mark to 5 enemy cards on battlefield, effect last 1 round. If it dies, its skill [Indestructible], [Resurrection], [Recovery] won’t work. Not take effect on Demon. Attack deals 950 Damage to 2 random opponent cards, if target card has immunity or reflection to an attack, then an additional 300% damage is inflicted.
  • Summon mystical army: Randomly summon one weapon from demon depot, increase the attack by 700~2000 on each attack.
  • Quick Strike: Summon Phantom: Upon entering the battlefield, summon a phantom to the battlefield. When this card enter the battle field, the summon skill will activate if there is no summoned card called by itself on the battle field. Summoned cards will not be added to card deck and cemetery.
  • Unfeusch Field: Cards with the skill ignore [Rebelliousness] kind of skills when it’s moving. Resists the abilities Destroy, Exile, and Teleportation. Grants immunity to Trap, Seal, and Confusion. Also cannot be frozen or stunned.
  • Fast as Wind: Stun opponent card that dealt physical damage to this card for one round. And 50% physical damage will be rebounded to the attacker. Does not take effect on Demon.

Announcement for 4th skill exchange:

We plan to offer a period of 6 months for 4th skills apply from current game event. After that, we will treat the requirements as expired. The regulation starts from today, including all events in Lies of Astaroth on XBOX platform.

For anything about the game, please contact us on the Facebook:


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