Enchanting Event (1.31-2.6)

Event Time: 2022.01.31 00:00:00 to 2022.02.06 23:59:59 [In-game time]

If there is no reply in the facebook, you may use email:  loagm343@hotmail.com.

During the event, you will get scraps of Royal Guardian, Squirrel King or Fortune QingYaos’ if you enchant 3 stars, 4 stars or 5stars to level 10 respectively. To make it clear, here is a rewards list as follow:

  • Enchant a 3 star card to level 10, you will get Squirrel King scrap*1.[100 times]
  • Enchant a 4 star card to level 10, you will get Royal Guardian scrap*1. [100 times]
  • Enchant a 5 star card to level 10, you will get Fortune QingYao scrap*1. [100 times]


  • When you have 300 scraps, you can contact GM for the card exchanging via Email:  loagm343@hotmail.com, or Facebook Messager.
  • You will not get rewards of scraps from enchanting after the event.

Relevant Enchanting event:

  • Enchant any 5 star cards to level 10, you will have Crystal*5. [200 times]
  • Enchant any 5 star card to level 15, you will have Magic Ticket*5 [200 times]
  • Enchant any 4 star card to level 10, you will have Magic Ticket*1 [200 times]

0131 Pack:

During the event, every 145 times 0131 Pack purchase, you have a chance to get 1 card from Immortal Enchantress, Queen of the West, Turtledove or Orochi. Each account can join 8 times in this part. It’s possible to get the same card in many times.

Magic Ticket:

During the event, every 105 times Magic Ticket purchase, you have a chance to get 1 card from Dark Heart, Celestian Superior, Universal 5 Star Card or Sword Knight. Each account can join 8 times in this part. It’s possible to get the same card in many times.


  • When purchasing 0131 Pack, you also have a chance to get Fortune QingYao scraps; Then, Royal Guardian and Squirrel King have a drop rate from Magic Tickets.
  • The rule of ‘Guaranteed Setting’ of event cards and examples are at the bottom of the post.
  • You can choose to exchange Universal 5 Star Card*1 into Gold*5000000. To do that, you need to contact GM, or send email to loagm343@hotmail.com.
  • Those Universal 5 Star Cards you got before the event cannot be approved for the exchanging.

Purchasing Event:

During the event, when the purchase Crystal reach a standard, you will get rewards as following:

299 Crystal, Double Sharp Slayer*1, with 4th skill: Summon mystical army, Magic Ticket*10

1999 Crystal, Flying Fox*1, with 4th skill: Blade Storm, Celestian Superior’s 4th skill: Quick Strike: Summon Phantom, Sword Knight’s 4th skill: Nirvana, Magic Ticket*15

3799 Crystal, Armed Girl*1, with 4th skill: Sun Shine, Magic Ticket*20

7799 Crystal, Dark Forest Princess*1, with 4th skill: Beities Block, Immortal Enchantress’s 4th skill: Kiss Moving, Queen of the West’s 4th skill: OutBreak Horn, Magic Ticket*25

17999 Crystal, Satanikia*1, with 4th skill: Sanctioned Judgement. Magic Ticket*30


  • Each rank of rewards can claim 1 time only.
  • If cards you got from current event is in level 15 or above, please contact us on Facebook with your in-game tag for the 4th skill exchange.

Consume Event:

During the event, if the total amount of Crystal you used, you will get the following rewards:

1000 Crystals: Freyja*1
3000 Crystals: Nightmare Ghost*1, Magic Ticket*10
15000 Crystals: Universal 5 Star Card*1, Magic Ticket*15

20000 Crystals: Son of Tarzan, with 4th skill: Enchantment Field, Magic Ticket*25


  • Each rank of rewards can claim 1 time only.

The 4th Skills Description:

  1. Beities Block: Upon entering the battlefield, summon all [Dark Forest Princess] from deck, waiting zone and cemetery to the battlefield. When the card is in the cemetery, it will not be affected by skill [Revival], [Reincarnation], [Reanimation], [Spirit Control], [Holy Flame]. It will back on the battlefield after 1 round. Resists the abilities Destroy, Exile, and Teleportation.
  2. Blade Storm: This card can launch 4 additional physical attack. Additional attack randomly select cards on the enemy battle field.
  3. Kiss Moving: Cards with the skill ignore [Rebelliousness] kind of skills when it’s moving.  Upon entering the battlefield, put the card with the longest waiting time in the deck into battlefield.(Cannot put the card in the waiting zone onto battlefield.) Limits each physical attack to a maximum of 140 HP. Neutralize the skill [Silence] to itself. Provides immunity to all spells and abilities.
  4. Summon mystical army: Randomly summon one weapon from demon depot, increase the attack by 700~2000 on each attack.
  5. Nirvana: When the card dies, there is a 100% chance it is returned to your hand. If your hand is full, it will be returned to the deck.
  6. OutBreak Horn: Cards with the skill ignore [Rebelliousness] kind of skills when it’s moving. Cards with the skill move on the battlefield, buff with [Holy lights] for 2 rounds. Neutralize the skill [Silence] to itself. Provides immunity to all spells and abilities. Take 2 cards from the deck to the waiting zone. (Uneffective when waiting is full.) Upon entering the battlefield, take 1 card in the waiting zone with the longest CD directly to the field. Upon entering the battlefield, put the card with the longest waiting time in the deck into battlefield.(Cannot put the card in the waiting zone onto battlefield.)
  7. Quick Strike: Summon Phantom: Upon entering the battlefield, summon a phantom to the battlefield. When this card enters the battle field, the summon skill will activate if there is no summoned card called by itself on the battle field. Summoned cards will not be added to card deck and cemetery.
  8. Enchantment Field: Neutralize the skill [Silence] to itself. Provides immunity to all spells and abilities.

Announcement for 4th skill exchange:

We plan to offer a period of 6 months for 4th skills apply from current game event. After that, we will treat the requirements as expired. The regulation starts from today, including all events in Lies of Astaroth on XBOX platform.

For anything about the game, please contact us on the Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LOAXBOXONE


Send email to loagm343@hotmail.com.

Guaranteed Setting & Example:

A ‘Guaranteed Setting’ of event cards from Packs and Magic Tickets is online. You can apply with any 2 event cards from 0719 Pack or Magic Tickets to exchange the card that you want to have. However, you cannot use those event cards from Magic Tickets to apply to exchange the card in the 0719 Pack, and vice versa. The applying cards will be taken, and exchanged card will be sent to your account.

  1. Magic Ticket event cards: A and B to exchange C
  2. In-game tag: xxxxxxxx


  1. 0719 Pack event cards: X and Y to exchange Z
  2. In-game tag: xxxxxxxx

You need to send the application via Facebook Message or email: loagm343@hotmail.com

We stop supporting the exchange after the event