■ Event 1: Login to get rewards
During the event period, you can get rewards by consecutively login. The rewards are as below:
1 Day:Gold*50,000 ;
2 Days:3 -Star card Xmas-Witch *1;
3 Days: Magic Ticket * 3
4 Days: 3-Star card Xmas-Witch *1;
5 Days: Magic Ticket * 5; Gold*100,000
6 Days: Crystals*500
7 Days: Magic Ticket * 7, Gold*200,000;
■ Event 2: Card Collection – Eastern Healer
During the event period, you’ll get a rare 5-Star card Eastern Healer by collecting the following 6 cards:
Xmas-Imp: can be obtained from Thief and Time Limit Pack.
Xmas-Bunny: can be obtained from Thief and Time Limit Pack.
Xmas-Witch: can be obtained from Starter Pack and Login Reward.
Xmas-Spirit: can be obtained from Magic Ticket and Consuming Crystals Reward.
Xmas-Fairy: can be obtained from Crystal Pack.
Xmas-Princess: can be obtained from Crystal Pack.
Even if you haven’t collected all of the above 6 cards, you can get rewards for collecting some of them:
Xmas-Bunny + Xmas-Spirit + Xmas-Fairy = Scorpio
■ Note:
1. Crystal Pack Bonus— a chance to get Lycra .
2. The rewards can be claimed THREE times.
3. You can claim the rewards through Mission>Card Collection.
4. The cards that were obtained before the event will not be counted.
■ Event 3: Legacy of Thief
During the event period, you’ll get the corresponding rewards for killing certain number of Mystery Thieves (level 30+):
— Kill Mystery Thief x 10 for 3-Star card Xmas-Imp
— Kill Mystery Thief x 30 for 3-Star card Xmas-Bunny
— Kill Mystery Thief x 60 for 5-Star card Smug
— Kill Mystery Thief x90 for 5-Star card Luna Archer , Crystal*500
1. The rewards can be claimed only ONCE.
2. During the event period, energy will sell at half price.
■ Event 4: Great Rewards of Consuming Crystals
During the event time, if you consume 1000~8000Crystals reached the condition, you will be rewarded with the prizes as following:
1000 Crystals:Xmas-Spirit 1, Magic Ticket5
3000 Crystals: Ultra-Doll 1, Magic Ticket10
5000 Crystals: Sagittarius 1, Magic Ticket15
8000 Crystals: Witchcraft Alchemist 1, Magic Ticket25
1. Crystals may be spent on anything in the game.
2. Each reward can be claimed only ONCE.
Purchase Crystal Rewards:
During the event, if you Crystal purchase reached 17000, you will get a new 5-star-card in level 15, with the 4th skill :
17000 Crystal Purchase: Ecliptic Meditator , level 15, Quick Strike:Prehistorical Power
Description of Ecliptic Meditator:
Thunderbolt Rage: Deals 450 damage to 3 of the opponent\’s cards. There is a 75% chance those cards will not be able to attack in the next round. If target card has immunity or reflection to an attack, then an additional 300% damage is inflicted.
Great Harmony: Take 1 random card in the cemetery to the waiting zone. Heal all the card of our side on the battlefield by 15% HP
Ecliptic Deduction: Grants immunity to Trap, Seal, and Confusion. Also cannot be frozen or stunned. 80% chance to re-launch this card all the active skills, including [Skill Burst] itself.
The 4th skill: Prehistorical Power: Resists the abilities Destroy, Exile, and Teleportation.When the card dies, there is a 55% chance it is returned to your hand. If your hand is full, it will be returned to the deck.
Commons: Ecliptic Meditator deals an extraordinary magic damage to opponent cards each round on the battlefield. It’s the skill set of Thunderbolt and Eliptic Deduction. 450 magic damage is normal, but it’s not if the card has a chance to trigger that skill a few times in one round. Plus the designing of the 4th skill, Ecliptic Meditator’s survival ability is higher a lot.